Musical meditation — it is absolute
unusual and deep immersion in yourself,
lasting up to 60 minutes.
The unique meditations
“Crystal sounds of the Universe”
Musical meditation — it is absolute
unusual and deep immersion in yourself,
lasting up to 60 minutes.
The training "To hear yourself" — the deepest work
with yourself through throat chakra (Vishuddha),
work with the fears and internal force.
The training is true "reset" of consciousness
and acceptance of yourself.
Nanateya (Galina Shestakovskaya) is the unusual musical performer, the author and the foundress of the new direction in art, named “wave-art”. Nanateya creates exclusive musical compositions via playing on alchemical crystal bowls and singing songs on ancient Lemurian language. She has gone a long way of acceptance and understanding of the unique gift "to awaken" people at the level of soul. By executing her surprising music, Nanateya helps everyone to relax a body and soul and to accept yourself, your value and Mission. Because each person in the world are unique and talented by the nature. Besides unusual execution, this music is unique in fact that the sound vibrations created by Nanateya’s voice in collaboration with the sounds of bowls, curing influence to all cells of everybody. The sound immerses the brain in condition of complete relaxation, bringing thus to a reference state (when you are listening Nanateya’s music, your brain works in the “alfa-waves” mode like on deep meditation).
This effect of harmonization/restoration into a perfect physical and emotional condition has been confirmed during a number of scientific experiments, including the resources under patronage of professor Vitaly Fokin - the head of laboratory of age physiology of brain in Scientific Center of neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, 2014). He proof, that in such condition all curing processes in an organism are started. Being in a condition of relaxation, the human body cures itself. Nanateya’s music of influences not only a physical body. Immersing everyone in a condition of deep relaxation, she helps connections with the true requirements and desires. Musical vibrations easily and comfortably restore natural peace of mind, help to harmonize an emotional state. The listening of Nanateya’s music helps everyone to find the unique answer in various situations and filling with necessary vital energy.
"Many years this question haunted me. Since the earliest childhood, understanding of huge internal force directed me in daily search of the Mission. Each new test sent me by destiny, conducted me to my internal truth. People I have met, opened new sides of my soul to me. And the most ordinary meeting was the long-awaited and concerning definition of my way and Mission — "here and now". Crystal bowls have entered my life and opened for me my way on which I go with full understanding of the Mission of spiritual awakening of people and restoration of the lost connections with all manifestations of life on the Earth".
By Nanateya (Galina Shestakovskaya)
Nanateya — the founder and invariable inspirer of the wave-art center “Creation”, the author of the “Crystal Sounds of the Universe” project, the medium and the channel of Lemurian heritage. Nanateya was born with an unusual gift and she has passed a long and interesting way from spiritual search of internal freedom, before finding of self-confidence and deep understanding of the Mission of spiritual awakening of people and restoration of the lost connections with all manifestations of life on the Earth.
“Crystal sounds of the Universe" are an emotional states and experiences in pure form. Plunging into a mystical trance, Nanateya elicits deep and unusual sounds from crystal bowls, accompanying this process with special Lemurian singing. During the sessions people are capable to look at themselves with absolutely different view, to feel true harmony and infinity of own opportunities, to get experience of active experience, to waken soul and to find freedom to be happy. It is possible to comprehend only via personal experience and any words not in forces to describe this improbable experience.
Musical meditation is absolutely unusual, deep immersion in yourself. It is not just about a relax with the sound of music. Crystal alchemical bowls and the Nanateya’s voice create sound vibrations, unique on the effect, immersing each person in a condition of absolute rest and harmony.
Sounds influence a brain of the person, bringing it to a reference state in which the natural curing processes leading to full physical improvement are started.
Besides impact vibration of sound on body, it immerse the person in a condition of connection with yourself, with the soul, giving the chance to be disconnected from noise of the world around and "to hear" the true desires. Music, at regular listening, helps to harmonize physical and emotional states, to restore initial balance of an organism, consciousness and subconsciousness.
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